


The order of people you follow on Xiaohongshu, does it determine who appears first in your feed? This burning question has been on the minds of many users. In the vast universe of social media, where algorithms reign supreme, it\’s easy to get lost in a sea of content. So, let\’s dive in and explore the intricacies of Xiaohongshu\’s mysterious algorithm together!


Imagine this scenario: you just joined Xiaohongshu, the popular social shopping platform, and you stumble upon an interesting user page. Intrigued by their fashion sense and beauty tips, you decide to tap that \\\”follow\\\” button. The burning question arises: will this user now automatically become the first to appear in your feed?

Well, my friend, it\’s not that simple. Xiaohongshu\’s algorithm is a complex creature, constantly evolving and adapting. It takes into account various factors to curate your personalized feed. While the algorithm does consider the accounts you follow, it also weighs other crucial elements.


First and foremost, the algorithm takes into consideration your personal preferences. It analyzes your interactions on the platform, such as the posts you engage with, the topics you bookmark, and the products you save. Xiaohongshu wants to ensure that the content you see aligns with your interests and desires.

Additionally, the algorithm values quality over quantity. It assesses the engagement a post receives, including the number of likes, comments, and shares. If a post gathers a significant amount of interaction, it indicates that it resonates with users and may be more likely to appear first in your feed, regardless of who you follow.

Another factor that comes into play is relevancy. Xiaohongshu\’s algorithm analyzes the text, images, and tags of a post to determine its relevance to your interests. If a post aligns with the topics you\’ve shown interest in before, it has a higher chance of appearing higher in your feed, even if it\’s from an account you haven\’t followed.


Now, you might be wondering, does following people even matter then? Absolutely! While Xiaohongshu\’s algorithm considers various indicators to curate your feed, it still prioritizes content from the people you follow.

When you follow someone, it indicates that you have a certain interest in their content. Therefore, the algorithm will try to ensure that their posts appear prominently in your feed, alongside other relevant content. However, this does not guarantee that they will be the first to appear, as other factors come into play.


Xiaohongshu doesn\’t solely depend on the accounts you follow to populate your feed. It also incorporates recommended content to diversify your browsing experience. These recommendations draw from the vast pool of user-generated content on the platform.

These recommendations serve to introduce you to new creators, topics, and trends that align with your interests, but that you may not have discovered on your own. Therefore, even if you follow a handful of accounts, Xiaohongshu will still show you content from other users to keep your feed fresh and exciting.


So, to answer the burning question, no, the order of people you follow on Xiaohongshu does not necessarily determine who appears first in your feed. The algorithm takes into consideration your personal preferences, the quality and engagement of posts, relevancy, and a mix of recommended content to curate a personalized browsing experience. Following accounts is still essential, as it indicates your interests and helps shape your feed. In the end, it\’s the perfect blend of algorithmic magic and user preferences that creates the feed tailored just for you on Xiaohongshu.


上一篇 2023年10月12日
下一篇 2023年10月12日
