

How Much Should You Charge for Sponsored Posts with 700 Followers on Xiaohongshu?

Xiaohongshu (a.k.a. Redbook) is one of the hottest social media platforms in China right now. If you have built up a loyal audience on Xiaohongshu and are receiving offers from brands, you might be wondering how much to charge for a sponsored post. In this article, we\’ll explore different pricing strategies and give you some tips on negotiating with brands.

Pricing Strategies

When it comes to pricing, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. It depends on various factors such as your niche, engagement rate, and the complexity of the campaign. Here are three pricing strategies that you can consider:

  • Flat rate: Charge a fixed amount for each sponsored post, regardless of the content, format, or deadline. This is the simplest and most straightforward pricing strategy, but it may not be suitable for long-term partnerships or complex campaigns.
  • Per engagement: Charge based on the number of likes, comments, shares, or other types of engagement that the post receives. This pricing strategy aligns your interests with the brand\’s goals, but it requires you to track and report the metrics accurately.
  • Per project: Charge based on the scope and deliverables of the campaign, such as the number of posts, the length of the videos, the quality of the photos, and the level of creativity. This pricing strategy allows you to showcase your skills and charge more for premium content, but it requires more negotiation and clarification.

Negotiation Tips

Once you have decided on the pricing strategy, you need to negotiate with the brand to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Here are some tips to improve your negotiation skills:

  • Research: Do some research on the brand\’s products, values, and target audience. Show them that you understand their needs and can provide relevant and authentic content.
  • Value: Highlight your unique value proposition, such as your expertise, your creativity, your storytelling ability, or your loyal followers. Demonstrate that you are worth more than just a platform or a channel.
  • Budget: Find out the brand\’s budget and see if it aligns with your pricing. If the budget is too low, suggest some alternatives or compromises that can lower the cost without sacrificing quality.
  • Contract: Make sure you have a written contract that specifies the scope, the timeline, the deliverables, the payment terms, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Don\’t start working until you have a signed agreement.

In conclusion, the price for sponsored posts on Xiaohongshu with 700 followers is not fixed, and it depends on your niche, engagement rate, and campaign complexity. You can choose from different pricing strategies, such as flat rate, per engagement, and per project, and negotiate with the brand based on your research, value, budget, and contract. Remember to always provide high-quality content that resonates with your audience and aligns with the brand\’s goals. Good luck!


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